, abegayleisip | VALITUS

ValitusFit WOD, November 18, 2021

11.4Snatch (5 sets of 1)Perform 5 singles within 60-75% of 1RM Snatch * Rest 60 seconds between sets *Clean and Jerk ( Perform 5 singles within 60-75% of 1RM) Rest 60 seconds between sets *CrossFit Games Open 12.1 (AMRAP – Reps)7-Minute AMRAP of: Burpees to a...

Valitus Strength WOD, November 17, 2021

11.10Back Squat (5 set: 8 reps)*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same across all sets. Attempt to add a small increase from previous week’s loading. Focus: High bar position. Controlled speed down and up. Stop just before full lockout at the top of each...

ValitusFit WOD, November 17, 2021

11.3Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)Dick Butkus 4 sets (1 Set every 6:00) Run 200m 25 Ring Rows 15 Handstand Push-Ups Run 200m IF you need more challenge in the RR, do HARD ring rows. TARGET SCORE Target time each set: 3-4 minutes Time cap each set: 5 minutes STIMULUS and...

Breathing Fire WOD, November 17, 2021

11.17NotesRest 1 minutes between each row Row Paces 1) 2:15 2) 2:10 3) 2:05 4) 2:00 5) Max Effort500m Row (Time)Max Effort 500m Row500m Row (Time)Max Effort 500m Row500m Row (Time)Max Effort 500m Row500m Row (Time)Max Effort 500m Row500m Row (Time)Max Effort 500m...