, abegayleisip | VALITUS

Valitus Strength WOD, November 16, 2021

11.9Strict Pull Ups (5 set: 8 reps)Control should be shown across sets. Athlete should keep core engaged and avoid kipping. Band across rig is encouraged if strict reps are not possible and should be set at a height that allows for desired number of rep but no more....

ValitusFit WOD, November 16, 2021

11.9Push Jerk (3 Push Jerk x 5 sets @60-70% (1RM Clean and Jerk))- Rest 60-90 seconds between sets – 5 sets of 3 reps on push jerks between 60-70%. Weight should be comfortable and bordering on challenging but should not be at risk for missed reps. Athletes...