Focus: traditional deadlift setup. Keep weight to a controllable amount meaning no bouncing off the floor. All reps are touch and go – do not reset at the bottom of reps.
Focus: Set up a platform or bar slightly below knee level. Standing in front and facing away from this platform, place the top of the rear foot on the platform and the forward foot far enough ahead so that the back knee can be lowered to the floor with the heel of the forward foot staying in contact with the floor throughout reps. Holding dumbbells in each hand, lunge on the forward leg until the back knee contacts the floor or you reach the end of your range of motion (do not force ROM). To stand, contract the glute on the working side and drive the ground away with the working foot. Consider using straps during this movement so that grip is not a limiting factor for sets. This movement can also be performed at bodyweight with no dumbbells if preferred.
Focus: Holding dumbbells in each hand, assume a slightly staggered stance. Bend at the waist. Working leg should have a slight bend throughout rep. Continue forward with the dumbbells until the upper/lower back begins to round. Aim for this movement is level, balance movement throughout rep (no leaning to left or right) and control of body and dumbbells throughout rep. Do not sacrifice either of these for an increase in weight. To stand, contract the glute on the working side. Consider using straps during this movement so that grip is not a limiting factor for sets.
Focus: Find an area that 30 yds can be lunged unbroken. Lunges should be done for quality, not for weight. Feel free to begin with only bodyweight and increase across sets. For walking lunges, attempt to keep tension in the legs during the entire rep, meaning you shouldn’t be resting/slamming the back knee into the floor. Keep loading to something that will allow for smooth, constant lunges.
Focus: High bar position. Controlled speed down and up. Stop just before full lockout at the top of each rep for added time under tension on legs.