, ValitusFit WOD, December 25, 2021 | VALITUS


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
Milk & Cookies

Part A
5 rounds
15/12 Assault or Echo Bike
3 Power Snatch (135/95) Rx+(155/105)

– Rest equal to the time to complete 5 rounds in Part A-

Part B
5 rounds
15/12 Assault or Echo Bike
3 Power Clean and Jerk (185/135) Rx+ (205/135)

Score the total time for part A then the total time for part B.
Target time each set: 8-10 minutes
Time cap each set: 12 minutes
This workout is going to be a GRIND. Hold onto your bike pace and keep attacking to get back to the barbell!!

Athletes legs are going to be on fire with all the bike & driving the bar up! Athletes should find the edge of what you can handle pace wise with maintaining solid lifting form.