, ValitusFit WOD, January 18, 2022 | VALITUS


Strict Pull-Ups (6 sets )
Focus: Control should be shown across sets. Athlete should keep core engaged and avoid kipping. Band across rig is encouraged if strict reps are not possible and should be set at a height that allows for desired number of rep but no more. If using a band, make note of the hole that you are placing the back across the rig to keep consistency on resistance assistance across workouts.

Choose a number of reps you can consistently complete every 2minutes
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
10 min AMRAP
12/9 Calorie Row
12 Handstand Push-Ups
12/9 Calorie Row
4 Power Cleans

-Rest 4 Minutes-

10 min AMRAP
100m Run
12 Toes to Bar
100m Run
4 Power Cleans
Rx(135/95) Rx+(185/125)

Target number of Rounds each set: 2.5+ rounds
Minimum number of Rounds before scaling: 2 rounds
Stimulus for workout is moderate pacing and consideration of burnout when choosing set volume on HSPU and toes to bar. Athletes should keep a steady pace on Machines/Power Cleans and work fast, quick sets on body weight movements.

Accessory Work
Athletes may complete after class
Standing Alternating DB Curl + Single DB Double Head Curl (Weight)
Focus: grasp a moderate weight dumbbell in each hand. Keep dumbbells slightly in front of the body at the bottom position to keep tension on the biceps throughout set. When curling, turn the arm thinking about getting the pinky finger close to the shoulder to maximize contraction with each rep. When finished with alternating reps, immediately grasp ONE dumbbell of a slightly heavier weight by each head and perform the remaining curls with both arms working at the same time.