, ValitusFit WOD, February 22, 2022 | VALITUS


Bench Press (5×3)
3 Bench Press x 5 sets @80% of Heavy Single (Week 1)
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
Roses are Red

E6MOM x 3
250/200m Row
20 Toes to Bar
250/200m Row
20 Handstand Push-Ups
200m Run

Target time: 4-5 minutes
Time cap: 5:30
Stimulus is moderate pacing throughout rounds. Athletes must be efficient on all movements in order to complete work and have rest time before next round starts (every 6 minutes). Athletes should finish each round in 5 minutes or less so that they have at least 1 min of rest between sets. If athletes are unable to meet this time requirement, have them subtract 50 meters from each row and 5 reps from toes to bar and handstand push up sets. A helpful strategy on a workout like this is determining the amount of time that each movement MUST be completed by to at least hit the 5 min mark which, for this workout, would be completing each movement in a minute or less.

This workout is a challenge! That’s exactly what we want it to be, not a sprint through pace, so athletes get their minds and movements right to stay on track and accept that their rest will not be enough.