, ValitusFit WOD, March 5, 2022 | VALITUS


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4 Rounds:
On a 5:00 clock:

– 300m Row/ 750m Bike/ 300m Run – You may alternate each round.

– 10 Bar Facing Burpees.

In the remaining time…
3 Ground-to-Overhead
3 Back Squats

Rest 2:00 Between Rounds.

*Increasing weight each round.

Rx Weights
Round 1: 95/65
Round 2: 115/85
Round 3: 135/95
Round 4: 155/115

*Score is your total rounds & reps completed on the AMRAP portion of this workout. Pick where you left off each round

You will see that at the start of the workout, you have the option of completing a row, bike, or run.

Once you complete your run/row/bike & 10 bar facing burpees, whatever time remains on a 5:00 clock will be an AMRAP of ground to overhead and back squats.

The Ground to Overhead may be performed in the form of a Snatch, or a clean and jerk/press.