, ValitusFit WOD, October 8, 2022 | VALITUS

ValitusFit – Sat, Oct 8

Pumpkin Spice (Time)

With a partner: 

Buy-in: 800m medicine ball run (together)


Directly into 5 rounds (each) you go, I go: 

21 Wall balls (20/14)

9 Toes to Bar 

3 Hang squat cleans (155/105)


Buy-out: 800m medicine ball run (together)


Time Cap: 38 minutes 


RX+: 185/125

Alt: WB as needed, knees to chest, 95/65

*hang squat clean should feel heavy but goal is unbroken reps.

**Individuals: The run is the same w/med ball and 1:1 work:rest for 5 rounds.