, ValitusFit WOD, December 9, 2022 | VALITUS

Week 5 Day 5

Partner Friday (AMRAP – Reps)

20 Min AMRAP:

2 Rounds of

14 Clean and Jerks 95/65

10 Handstand Push Ups

2 Rounds of

10 Clean and Jerks 135/95

8 Hand Stand Push Ups

2 Rounds of

6 Clean and Jerks 155/115

6 Hand Stand Push Ups

2 Rounds of

2 Clean and Jerks 185/125

4 Hand Stand Push Ups

AMRAP Clean and Jerks at 225/155

Rx+: Strict HSPU 185/125 225/155 255/185 275/205 315/225

S: Z Press or Box HSPU

75/55 95/65 115/85 135/95 155/115

If you ge to a weight that you can no longer do, use the weight from the previous round.