, ValitusFit WOD, November 29, 2021 | VALITUS


Alt. DB Bench + Double DB Bench (3 sets: 5 alt. reps (each side) + 5 reps double)
*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets.

Focus: Start with both DBs extended overhead. Bench with one arm, leaving the other arm extended overhead and then repeat with other side. Go directly into double DB reps after alternating reps have been completed. Loading should be moderate and allow for control throughout entire rep. Select a weight that you can control when sitting back to start and sitting up to finishing set. Do not drop the dumbbells. To avoid injury, bring the knees up to meet the dumbbells and sit up with them. If you have to drop them to deload, you’ve gone too heavy.

Tricep Dips (4 sets of 10)
Dips can be performed on either dip bars or two high boxes (allowing the body to pass between the boxes). Keep shoulders in an engaged position throughout the dips and the rest of the body in a strong "hollow position" if not using assistance. A band can be attached across the bars or one foot can be placed on the floor to assist.
Metcon (Time)
John Elway
20/15 Calorie Row
Handstand Push-ups
– into –
20/15 Calorie Row

Target time: 8-10 minutes
Time cap: 15 minutes
Stimulus for workout is moderate to moderate/high intensity. Athletes should push the effort on the row and then strategically break up HSPUs and Pull-ups to avoid burnout.