, ValitusFit WOD, December 3, 2021 | VALITUS


Bottom-Up Single Arm Standing KB Press (3 sets: 10 reps (each side))
Focus: While standing, hold a kettlebell by the handle with the bottom side facing the ceiling. This movement requires a very large amount of stabilization with the hand/forearm/shoulder. Be aware of kettlebell’s tendency to flip and potentially turn towards the face/head. DO NOT USE A WEIGHT THAT YOU CAN’T SHOW CONTROL WITH. Core should be engaged through out and athlete should avoid leaning towards or away from weighted side.

*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same across sets
Rear foot elevated DB Split Lunge (4 sets: 10 reps (each side))
*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets

Focus: Set up a platform or bar slightly below knee level. Standing in front and facing away from this platform, place the top of the rear foot on the platform and the forward foot far enough ahead so that the back knee can be lowered to the floor with the heel of the forward foot staying in contact with the floor throughout reps. Holding dumbbells in each hand, lunge on the forward leg until the back knee contacts the floor or you reach the end of your range of motion (do not force ROM). To stand, contract the glute on the working side and drive the ground away with the working foot. Consider using straps during this movement so that grip is not a limiting factor for sets. This movement can also be performed at bodyweight with no dumbbells if preferred.

Metcon (Time)
Joe Montana
Workout Definition

For time
60 Toes to bar
*perform 8 Devils Press (35/25) every 2 minutes
**Start the workout with the Devils Press

-rest until 12:00-

12 Rope Climbs or 50 Strict Pull-Ups
*perform 8 Devils Press (35/25) every 2 minutes
**Start the workout with the Devils Press

Target time each set: 7-9 minutes
Time cap: 10 minutes
Stimulus for the workout is steady pacing with planned amounts of work for each round before returning to the Devil’s Press.

We completed a workout like this last week, and we want to see what athletes have learned and possibly improve on with a similar or completely different strategies.