Alternate between sets of chin ups and push ups
Chin Ups (5 sets: 8-10 reps)
*Weighted reps – add weight If able
Focus: Quality form on pushups and chin-ups. Chin-ups should be done with a supinated (underhand grip). Athletes should use a band across the rig if assistance is needed for quality reps.
Push-ups (5 sets: 10 reps)
If you can do deficit, make it more challenging!
Metcon (Time)
500m Row
20 Squat Snatch
400m Run
16 Squat Snatch
500m Row
12 Squat Snatch
400m Run
8 Squat Snatch
500m Row
4 Squat Snatch
400m Run
Rx(95/65) Rx+(135/95)
20 Squat Snatch
400m Run
16 Squat Snatch
500m Row
12 Squat Snatch
400m Run
8 Squat Snatch
500m Row
4 Squat Snatch
400m Run
Rx(95/65) Rx+(135/95)
Target time: 16-20 minutes
Time cap: 20 minutes
Target time: 16-20 minutes
Time cap: 20 minutes