, ValitusFit WOD, February 10, 2022 | VALITUS


EMOM x 10
Min 1) 8-10 Counter Balance Pistols
Min 2) 8-10 alt Pistols or choose option below for scale

Option 1) Band
Option 2) Single leg squat to a box/bench
Option 3) Rolling Pistol
Option 4) Toe Behind Heel

Metcon (Time)
Paricutin Volcano
5 Rounds
60 Double Unders
15 Dumbbell Front Squats (2×50/2×35)
10 Burpees over Dumbbells

TC 20 min
Stimulus is moderate pacing with steady effort. Athletes should find a pace on all movements that can be maintained across rounds. Pushing too hard on any one movement will put athletes in a deficit on other movements. Emphasizing the pacing of breathing with each rep on squats and Burpees will keep athletes moving in this workout.

Legs and Heart rate will be pumped so again, start smooth and somewhat conservative while aiming to keep round times consistent.