, ValitusFit WOD, April 19, 2022 | VALITUS


20 minutes to complete the following lifts
Clean (3 Cleans x 3 sets @65-75% of 1RM Clean)
* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *
After athletes warm up, they will use 3 sets of 3 Cleans. Reps are completed in singles with a 5-8 second break between reps. Set up is vital, focusing on good quality reps that mirror each other.
If Athletes are new or missed, then use a lightweight that feels good and looks good. Have newer athletes Power/catch as low as they possible can if they are not comfortable yet.
Record each set as 1 of your scores for load
Stay within the weight ranges (65-75%) and maybe towards the lighter side if reps are not looking clean and smooth.
Focus on catching and driving out of the bottom with strong core while pressing up on the bar like a Thruster.
Clean Grip Deadlift (3 Clean Grip Deadlifts x 3 sets @90% of 1RM Clean)
After the Squat Cleans, athletes will transition right into the deadlifts. They will use 3 sets of 3 Clean Grip Deadlift (Clean set up). Reps are completed in a Dead-stop fashion, meaning after each rep, athletes will follow the bar back down and reset their position without letting go of the bar.
If Athletes are new or missed, then use a lightweight that feels good and looks good.
Record each set as 1 of your scores for load
Focus is all set up and fishing the deadlift to the full lockout without and bending of the arms. Weight should be moving smooth and controlled while keeping a straight bar path.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Stayin’ Alive
4 Sets
AMRAP 3 Minutes
15 Pull-Ups
15 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
The remainder of time, complete max effort Wall Walks
Rx+ C2B
– rest 1 minute between sets –

SCORE = Total number of Wall Walk ONLY
Target number of Reps each set: 8+ reps
Minimum number of reps before scaling: 4 reps
Stimulus for workout is moderate pacing in preparation for purposeful effort on wall walks each round. We want to see consistency in similar to increasing score through the first 3 sets and a complete sell out on the last one. Rest is short and shoulder fatigue will start to build quickly so stay loose during the rest.