, ValitusFit WOD, May 17, 2022 | VALITUS


Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Killer Shrike
Teams of 2
5 sets each:
12/10 Calorie Row
10 Wall Balls (20@10/14@9)
10 Pull Ups
10 Wall Balls (20@10/14@9)
12/10 Calorie Row
-rest 1:1 between sets-
12/10 Calorie Row
10 Wall Balls (20@11/16@9)
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Wall Balls (20@11/16@9)
12/10 Calorie Row
-rest 1:1 between sets-

Target time each set: 2:30-3:15 minutes
Time cap each set: 3:30
Stimulus is moderate to moderately high intensity throughout the 5 sets. Athletes are trying to establish a pace early on and see if they can hang on through 4 sets, to sell out on the 5th set.

First set should be a little conservative (dip the toes in), and after they finish, they should know whether to increase the intensity or adjust it to survive.

Individuals will just rest 1:1 after each set.