, ValitusFit WOD, May 31, 2022 | VALITUS


Snatch Balance (- Heavy Single (10-12 minutes))
– Heavy Single (10-12 minutes)
Perform from the Squat Rack
During this time we want athletes to focus on the proper setup, core engagement, and footwork in the catch position. Take some time and have athletes just practice with PVC/Empty barbells.
Go by feel and make smooth, calculated jumps in weight early on. Slow down the pace, and weight jumps when you reach heavier weights.
Beginner athletes should still stay light and work on consistency.
Focus on strong and active shoulders while driving out of the squat with a tall/stable mid-line.
Metcon (Time)
Easy Day
22 min AMRAP:
500m row/400m run
40 Double Unders (80 singles)
30 abmat sit-ups
12 wall balls (20/14)

Target score: 4+ rounds
The stimulus for this one is moderate pacing throughout rounds. Athletes should stay with a pace that is maintainable across the AMRAP. Take this one slow if you did Murph yesterday.