, ValitusFit WOD, June 7, 2022 | VALITUS


Metcon (Time)
5 sets:

20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
10 Burpees over Dumbbell
20 Toes to Bar

-Rest 2:00 between sets-

Target time each set: 2:30-3 minutes
Time cap each set: 3:30

*Enter your fastest set*

Resistance Band Chest Fly – High to Low (4 x 15)
Focus: On a rig, loop a resistance band on each side (light to moderate light resistance weight) above head level about 6 feet apart. Facing away from rig, grasp a band in each hand. Starting with arms extended to the sides and a forward lean (stagger feet for stabilization), press the bands forward with slightly bent arms, crossing over in front of the body at waist level. Return out to the sides and repeat, crossing the opposite arm on top from the last rep. Slight bend in the arm should be maintained throughout reps (excessive bending of the elbow will place focus on triceps rather than chest)
Standing Barbell Curl (4 x 10)
Stay with a weight that will allow for control and minimal kipping of reps. Keep barbell slightly in front of the body at the bottom position to keep tension on the biceps throughout set (don’t go to complete loss of tension at bottom).