Week 4 Day 1
Front Squat (Weight)
Working at 65%
4×4 with 1 Second Pause at the bottom of each rep
4×4 with 1 Second Pause at the bottom of each rep
15 Min AMRAP (AMRAP – Reps)
<p>1 Wall Walk</p><p>50 DB Snatches</p><p>25 Toes to Bar</p><p>2 Wall Walks</p><p>40 DB Snatches</p><p>20 Toes to Bar</p><p>3 Wall Walks</p><p>30 DB Snatches</p><p>15 Toes to Bar</p><p>4 Wall Walks</p><p>20 DB Snatches</p><p>10 Toes to Bar</p><p>5 Wall Walks</p><p>10 DB Snatches</p><p>5 Toes to Bar</p><p> </p><p>RX: 40/30</p><p>S: 30/20</p>