, abegayleisip | VALITUS

ValitusFit WOD, March 11, 2022

3.11CrossFit Games Open 22.3 RX (Ages 16-54) (Time)For time: 21 pull-ups 42 double-unders 21 thrusters (weight 1) 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups 36 double-unders 18 thrusters (weight 2) 15 bar muscle-ups 30 double-unders 15 thrusters (weight 3) Time cap: 12 minutes F: 65...

ValitusFit WOD, March 10, 2022

3.10Strength15 minutes to complete Lat Raises and Hip Thrusts (superset). Spend 5 minutes on one set of each, giving enough rest before the next set. If registered for The Open, go lighter on these sets. Bent Over Lateral Raises (3 Sets of 12)While standing, bend over...

ValitusFit WOD, March 8, 2022

3.8SkillAthletes that are proficient at rope climbs or working on a specific area will complete the below EMOM. Athletes that do not yet have rope climbs will either work with the coach to develop the skill (if you can hang from the rope for 5 or more seconds) or...