, abegayleisip | VALITUS

ValitusFit WOD, December 31, 2021

12.3112/31 (Time)For time: 31 push presses (75/55 lb) 31 pull-ups 31 snatches (75/55 lb) 31 sit-ups 31 toes-to-bar/knees-to-chest 31 push-ups 31 box jumps (24/20 in) 31 back squats (75/55 lb) 31 unbroken double unders 31 thrusters (75/55 lb) 31 barbell lunges (75/55...

ValitusFit WOD, December 30, 2021

15Shoulder Press (1×6)- Establish a 6 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set of 8-10 reps at 90% and 8-10 reps 80% of that 6 RM. Metcon (Time)3 Rounds 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 60 Double Unders 30 Toes to Bar 60 Double UndersTARGET SCORE Target time: 16-18 minutes...