, abegayleisip | VALITUS

ValitusFit WOD, November 30, 2021

11.16Bent Over Barbell Row (4 sets: 10 reps)*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets *Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets Focus: With a double overhand grip, deadlift bar to waist and then lower to a hang position...

Valitus Strength WOD, November 29, 2021

11.15Bench Press (5 sets: 7 reps)*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same across all sets. Attempt to add a small increase from previous week’s loading. Focus: Control should be shown with each rep on the way down and on the way up. Bar should be lowered to...

ValitusFit WOD, November 29, 2021

11.15Alt. DB Bench + Double DB Bench (3 sets: 5 alt. reps (each side) + 5 reps double)*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets. Focus: Start with both DBs extended overhead. Bench with one arm, leaving the other arm extended overhead and...