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Valitus Strength WOD, December 24, 2021

10Shoulder Press (5 sets: 10 reps)Kipping Handstand Pushups (10 min EMOM (every minute on the minute): 9 reps)*Quality reps; do not get sloppy Focus: Stay within a rep range that will allow for quality on all reps. Hands should be 6-8 inches away from the wall with a...

ValitusFit WOD, December 24, 2021

9Shoulder Press ( 1×8)- Establish an 8 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set of 8-10 reps at 85-90% and 8-10 reps 80-85% of that 8 RM.Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)3 sets 3:00 Amrap 75 Double Unders 25 Wall Balls (20/14) Max Double Dumbbell Step Ups...

ValitusFit WOD, December 23, 2021

9MetconDirty Santa Every Minute (4 rounds) Min 1: 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike or Echo Bike Min 2: 15 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1) Min 3: 12/10 Calorie Row or Bike Min 4: 15 GHD’s or V-Ups Min 5: 12/10 Calorie Row or Bike Min 6: Rest 1:00 * 66/60 reps total each set...